On the Menger and almost Menger properties in locales


Bayih Tilahun,Dube ThembaORCID,Ighedo OghenetegaORCID


<p>The Menger and the almost Menger properties are extended to locales. Regarding the former, the extension is conservative (meaning that a space is Menger if and only if it is Menger as a locale), and the latter is conservative for sober T<sub>D</sub>-spaces. Non-spatial Menger (and hence almost Menger) locales do exist, so that the extensions genuinely transcend the topological notions. We also consider projectively Menger locales, and show that, as in spaces, a locale is Menger precisely when it is Lindelöf and projectively Menger. Transference of these properties along localic maps (via direct image or pullback) is considered.</p>


Universitat Politecnica de Valencia


Geometry and Topology

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