1. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
We study the quasi-Menger and weakly Menger properties in locales. Our
definitions, which are adapted from topological spaces by replacing subsets
with sublocales, are conservative in the sense that a topological space is
quasi-Menger (resp. weakly Menger) if and only if the locale it determines
is quasi-Menger (resp. weakly Menger). We characterize each of these types
of locales in a language that does not involve sublocales. Regarding localic
results that have no topological counterparts, we show that an infinitely
extremally disconnected locale (in the sense of Arietta [1]) is weakly
Menger if and only if its smallest dense sublocale is weakly Menger. We show
that if the product of locales is quasi-Menger (or weakly Menger) then so is
each factor. Even though the localic product ?j?J?(Xj) is not necessarily
isomorphic to the locale ?(?j?JXj), we are able to deduce as a corollary
of the localic result that if the product of topological spaces is weakly
Menger, then so is each factor.
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