1. Udmurt Federal Research Center Ural Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences
An algorithm for mathematical processing of the Mössbauer spectra of supersaturated disordered solid solutions by the Tikhonov regularization method using a double convolution of the Lorentz function and two Gaussians is proposed. By the examples of spectra of supersaturated disordered solid solutions Fe100–xGex (x = 10—25 at.%) and Fe75Si15Al10, it is shown that the algorithm allows more correct processing, which provides a reliable distribution function of the hyperfine magnetic field. It is shown that to take into account the statistical ensemble of nonequivalent local atomic configurations of Fe atoms in disordered supersaturated solid solutions, it is necessary to use not only the convolution of two Gaussian functions, but also the
projection scaling factor of the hyperfine magnetic field onto the velocity scale.
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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1 articles.