Gallium-containing Heusler phases ScRh2Ga, ScPd2Ga, TmRh2Ga and LuRh2Ga – magnetic and solid state NMR-spectroscopic characterization
Heletta Lukas1, Seidel Stefan1, Benndorf Christopher2, Eckert Hellmut34, Pöttgen Rainer1
1. Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie , Universität Münster , Corrensstrasse 30 , 48149 Münster , Germany 2. Institut für Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Materialwissenschaften , Universität Leipzig , Scharnhorststrasse 20 , 04275 Leipzig , Germany 3. Institut für Physikalische Chemie , Universität Münster , Corrensstrasse 30 , 48149 Münster , Germany 4. Institute of Physics in São Carlos , University of São Paulo , São Carlos, SP 13566-590 , Brazil
The gallium-containing Heusler phases ScRh2Ga, ScPd2Ga, TmRh2Ga and LuRh2Ga have been synthesized by arc-melting of the elements followed by different annealing sequences to improve phase purity. The samples have been studied by powder X-ray diffraction. The structures of Lu0.97Rh2Ga1.03 (Fm3̅m, a=632.94(5) pm, wR2=0.0590, 46 F2 values, seven variables) and Sc0.88Rh2Ga1.12 (a=618.91(4) pm, wR2=0.0284, 44 F2 values, six variables) have been refined from single crystal X-ray diffractometer data. Both gallides show structural disorder through Lu/Ga and Sc/Ga mixing. Temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements showed Pauli paramagnetism for ScRh2Ga, ScPd2Ga, and LuRh2Ga and Curie-Weiss paramagnetism for TmRh2Ga. 45Sc and 71Ga solid state MAS NMR spectroscopic investigations of the Sc containing compounds confirmed the site mixing effects typically observed for Heusler phases. The data indicate that the effect of mixed Sc/Ga occupancy is significantly stronger in ScRh2Ga than in ScPd2Ga.
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General Chemistry
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