1. Andžāns, M. (2013). “The Northern Distribution Network and Its Implications for Latvia”, In: Sprūds, A., Potjomkina, D., eds. Northern Distribution Network: Redefining Partnerships within NATO and beyond. Latvian Institute of International Affairs, pp.9-29. Available: http://liia.lv/en/publications/northern-distribution-network-redefining-partnerships-withinnato-and-beyond-338
2. Estonian Defence Forces (2016). Estonian Defence Forces. Available: http://www.mil.ee/en/defence-forces
3. Estonian Defence Forces (2017). Meie ei unusta (available only in Estonian; Translation: We will not forget). Available: http://www.mil.ee/et/operatsioonid/meie-ei-unusta
4. Defence Resources Agency of Estonia (2017). Aruanne kaitseväekohustuse täitmisest ja kaitseväeteenistuse korraldamisest 2016. aastal (available only in Estonian; Translation: Report on the number of active servicemen and organisation of the service in 2016). Available: https://www.kra.ee/kodanik-ja-riigikaitse/uuringud-ja-aruanded/
5. Estonian Ministry of Defence (2017a). National Defence Strategy. Available: http://www.kaitseministeerium.ee/sites/default/files/elfinder/article_files/national_defence_strategy.pdf