Alder Marie-Luise,Buchholz Michael B.
The video recording of a pedagogically awkward situation in a school class becomes the occasion of a conversation analysis (CA). At first, the conceptual instruments of CA appearing to be appropriate for the study of potentially violent situations are introduced. Then, the transcript is shown and four observations are discussed in detail. They focus the failure of a ceremony of demotion, the role of bodily stagings, the teacher’s doubtful authority and the difficulty of influencing not only behavior but also attitudes of pupils. It is suggested that CA should far more face such situations which constitute a great part of everyday life in school.
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Cited by
2 articles.
1. Digitalisierung als Störung?;MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung;2023-03-28
2. Klassenzimmerchoreographie;Paragrana;2018-06-01