1. “Vasil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Tarnovo , Bulgaria
The membership of the country in the Euro-Atlantic structures, the professionalization of the Armed Forces and their participation in joint operations put the Bulgarian Army in front of the necessity to comply with the rules for communal-household provision applied in the NATO member states. As the resource constraint of the Military Budget, determined by the economic potential of the country, does not allow the construction of new military infrastructure objects, the current models for modernization, maintenance and utilization of the military infrastructure in the part of the communal-household provision of the Armed Forces are proposed. The implementation of the presented models is in response to solve problems in improving the maintenance and using military infrastructure elements. On the one hand, the applicability of the models requires the development of scientifically-based norms and legislation for the communal-household provision of the servicemen and on the other hand, it responds to the requirements for improving the quality of life of military personnel in the context of continuous structural reforms and transformations
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