1. Dubnica Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Váhom, Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia
A school climate is the product of a specific social group. It influences the work of both teachers and students; it is a reflection of the objective reality in schools. It is experienced, evaluated and perceived by the actors of school life subjectively. In agreement with the current approaches to education (neuropedagogy, neuroscience), the importance of a positive school climate is accentuated. It is a part of school environment in the emotional, social and physical contexts. We put an accent on the interconnection and mutual determination of the climate and some selected determinants - inappropriate behaviour, interaction and safe educational environment. Nowadays, the notion of the school climate is joined with the adjective “optimal”. Based on the undertaken research, we make a conspectus of empirical findings which are related to school environment and school climate.
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4 articles.