1. Banisar, David (2006) ‘Freedom of Information and Access to Government Record Laws around the World’, 30 November, http://www.freedominfo.org
2. Banisar, David (2004) ‘Freedom of Information and Access to Government Record Laws around the World’ Privacy International. 26 February, 2005. http://www.privacyinternational.org/>.
3. Bass, Greg and Hammit, Harry (2002) ‘Freedom of Information Act Access to Documents of Private Contractors Doing the Public’s Business’, Clearinghouse Review 35, 9/10: 607-14.
4. Center for Public Integrity (2003) ‘Member Biographies’, 14 August 2003, http://www.icij.org/dtaweb/ICIJMemberBios.asp>
5. Center for Public Integrity (2005) ‘About Us’, 6 June, http://www.publicintegrity.org/about/about.aspx>.