1. Neuphilologisches Institut/Romanistik, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg , Würzburg , Germany
The introductory paper to the special issue summarises key aspects of contact-related linguistic dynamics such as the communicative interfaces of modern complex societies, the multi-layered textual and discoursal repertoire of their speaker groups and the role of the speakers’ cognitive mechanisms, social identity, and interactional strategies in settings of language contact. Giving an overview of the contributions, it aims to connect classic topics of language contact research with recent theoretical and methodological approaches investigated in the papers, and to highlight interconnections and interdisciplinary links that can stimulate further research on linguistic variation and change.
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics
Reference15 articles.
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5. Gómez Seibane, Sara, María Sánchez Paraíso & Azucena Palacios (eds.). 2021. Traspasando lo lingüístico: Factores esenciales en el contacto de lenguas. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.