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2. [2] W. Grebski and M. Grebski. “Keeping Technical Education Aligned to the Needs and Expectations of Industry. Management Systems in Production Engineering, vol. 22(2), pp. 77-80, 2016. DOI:10.12914/MSPE-01-02-2016.10.12914/MSPE-01-02-2016
3. [3] W. Grebski and S. Cai. “Partnership with STEM High School as a Recruiting Tool for Engineering Program”, in Proc. The 10th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Industry, 2012.
4. [4] W. Grebski. “Teaching Mathematics as a Global Challenge for Engineering Education”, in Proc. ICIE Conference, 2015.
5. [5] W. Grebski. “Recruitment of Engineering Students through Community-Based Programs”, in Proc. The 12th Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Engineering and Industry, 2014.