1. Department of Chemistry , Faculty of Science , University of Dschang , P.O. Box 67 , Dschang , Cameroon
2. Department of Chemistry , Higher Teachers’ Training College , The University of Maroua , P.O. Box 55 Maroua , Cameroon
3. Department of Chemistry , Faculty of Science , The University of Bamenda , Bambili , Bamenda , Cameroon
4. Multi-Disciplinary Research Lab , Bahria University, Medical and Dental College , Karachi , Pakistan
5. H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences , University of Karachi , 75270 , Karachi , Pakistan
6. Department of Chemistry , Higher Teacher Training College , University of Yaoundé I , P.O. Box 47 Yaoundé , Cameroon