1. Burgert, H.J. (1989, reprinted 2002). The Calligraphic Line: Thoughts on the Art of Writing. 2nd ed. Translated from German, by Neuenschwander, B. Berlin: Burgert Press.
2. Catich, E. (1962). The Origin of the Serif: Brush Writing and Roman Letters. Second ed. 1968.
3. Collier, M. (2016). Wordsworth and Basho: Walking Poets. Itami: Kakimori Bunko
4. Child, H. (ed.). (1971, reprinted 1980). Edward Johnston: Formal Penmanship and Other Papers (3rd ed.), London: Lund Humphries.
5. Davey, H. E. (1999). Brush Meditation: A Japanese Way to Mind & Body Harmony. Berkeley, California: Stone Bridge Press.