PDF Simulations of the Ignition of Hydrogen/Air, Ethylene/Air and Propane/Air Mixtures by Hot Transient Jets


Fischer Simon1,Markus Detlev2,Ghorbani Asghar2,Maas Ulrich1


1. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) , Kaiserstr. 12 , 76131 Karlsruhe , Germany

2. Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) , Bundesallee 100 , 38116 Braunschweig , Germany


Abstract A numerical investigation is carried out to study ignition events of different premixed stoichiometric fuel/air mixtures by hot exhaust gas jets. The simulations are performed for premixed, stoichiometric hydrogen/air, ethylene/air and propane/air mixtures in configurations relevant to safety applications. The ignition events of the different fuel/air mixtures by their corresponding exhaust gas jet are examined qualitatively analyzing processes and conditions leading to ignition. A stand-alone probability density function (PDF) method in connection with a projection method (PM) to calculate the mean pressure is used to model the turbulent flow. The transport equation for the joint velocity – turbulent frequency – scalar PDF is solved by a Monto Carlo/particle method. In order to reduce the computational costs concerning the chemical kinetics the reaction diffusion manifolds (REDIM) technique is used to get an appropriate reduced kinetic scheme.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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