Ebeveyn Destekli Etkileşimli Kitap Okuma Programının Okul Öncesi Çocuklarının Erken Okuryazarlık Becerilerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi






This research was carried out to separately examine the effect of the program prepared through interactive book reading activities applied to pre-school children and the effect of parent involvement on early literacy skills within the process. The research was conducted with a quasi-experimental design, one of the quantitative research methods, with a pre-test and post-test control group. In the study, a total of three groups were studied, two of which were the test groups and one was the control group. Interactive book reading activities were applied to test group 1 by their parents for eight weeks. On the other hand, interactive book reading activities were applied to test group 2 by the researcher. Of the sampling methods, convenience sampling and random sampling methods were utilized. A total of 53 children and 19 parents of test group 1 were involved in the study. The data collection tools used in the research were; Early Literacy Skills Assessment Tool (ELSAT) developed by Karaman (2013) and Personal Information Form prepared by the researcher. When the findings of the research were examined, it was determined that there were statistically significant differences between the post-test scores of Test Group 1 to which interactive book reading activities were applied by the parents and the post-test scores of Test Group 2 to which interactive book reading activities were applied by the researcher when compared to the post-test scores of the Control Group. It was also noted that there were significant differences between the post-test scores of ELSAT and its sub-dimensions in the dual measurements performed between Test Group 1 and Test Group 2. It was only observed that there were no statistically significant differences in the “Comprehending the Story” and “Pre-Writing Skills” sub-dimensions between Test Group 1 and Test Group 2.


Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researchers


General Medicine

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