1. International Aid and the Scope of Kindness
2. But why the emphasis on the philanthropists, particularly Singer and his direct defenders? The literature addressing absolute poverty has grown huge over the past thirty years. I focus on the philanthropists because they address what each ofusmust do to address poverty and they purport to do soa-theoretically; that is, they are not drawing out the consequences of a particular moral theory but addressing each of us and arguing thatour own moral beliefsrequire a change in our behavior.
3. Singer, What.writesis that theprinciplesupports the particular judgment that I should save the child. This may be true in the sense that the general principle articulates the moral ground of the particular judgment. But surely it is more obvious that I should save the child than that the principle is true. So in a different, epistemological, sense the particular judgment is intended as an argument that we should accept the general principle as the best explanation ofwhyit is wrong to ignore the plight of the child.