1. “SCALE Code System,” ORNL/TM-2005/39, Version 6.2.4, W. A. WIESELQUIST, R. A. LEFEBVRE, and M. A. JESSEE, Eds., Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2020); https://www.ornl.gov/file/scale-62-manual/display (current as of Feb. 24, 2021).
2. I. C. GAULD et al. “Validation of SCALE 5 for Decay Heat Predictions of LWR Spent Fuel,” NUREG/CR-6972, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (2010); www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/contract/cr6972/ (current as of Feb. 24, 2021).
3. SCALE analysis of CLAB decay heat measurements for LWR spent fuel assemblies
4. Validation of ORIGEN for LWR used fuel decay heat analysis with SCALE
5. “Measurements of Decay Heat in Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Swedish Interim Storage Facility, Clab,” SKB Rapport R-05-62, SKB (2006).