1. Party Competition Structure in Eastern Europe
2. Hurricane Season
3. 1. According to the 2015 spring Eurobarometer survey, the EU enjoyed a "totally positive" image among 42% of Europeans across all member countries. Among the East Central European member countries, the "total positive" view was below - but not by much - this average in the Czech Republic and Slovenia (both 37%), Slovakia (38%), Latvia (39%). Romanians, Bulgarians, Poles, and Lithuanians, in contrast, were still among the most enthusiastic supporters of the European Union
4. 2. even in Hungary, run by an openly EU-critical prime minister, 43% of those polled had a "totally positive" image of the EU and only 13% a "totally negative" one. See Eurobarometer. 2015. Public Opinion in the European Union (Spring 2015: First Results). Accessed 15 January 2016. http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/eb/eb83/eb83_first_en.pdf.
5. Orbánismus in Ungarn. Ursprünge und Elemente der ‘illiberalen’ Demokratie;Koenen;Osteuropa,2015