1. For a review of the nature of innovation of relevance to science education see R. B. Nicodemus, Innovation in Education with special reference to some aspects of the Nuffield Science Teaching Project’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1973; also M. Waring, ‘Aspects of the Dynamics of Curriculum Reform in Secondary School Science’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1975
2. Bolam has recently reviewed the literature and related it to a broad conceptual framework for the analysis of innovation in education: R. Bolam, ‘The Study of Management of Educational Innovation: towards a Conceptual Framework’, in A. Harris, M. Lawn, and W. Prescott, Curriculum Innovation (Croom-Hill, 1976)
3. E. V. Rogers and F. F. Shoemaker, op. cit.
4. E. V. Rogers and F. F. Shoemaker, op. cit. 57; in fact only 7% of the 1,084 references to empirical studies given by these authors are in Education