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2. A new weighted Lindley distribution with application
3. Avelar, R., S. Geedipally, S. Das, L. Wu, B. Kutela, D. Lord, and I. Tsapakis. 2020. “Evaluation of Roadside Treatments to Mitigate Roadway Departure Crashes.” Tech. Rep. Texas A&M Transportation Institute.
4. Bakhshi, A. K., and M. M. Ahmed. 2021a. “Accounting for Human-Related Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Safety Performance of Connected Vehicles: an Incorporation of Bayesian Hierarchical Negative Binomial into Simulated Work Zone Warning Application.” IATSS Research.
5. Practical advantage of crossed random intercepts under Bayesian hierarchical modeling to tackle unobserved heterogeneity in clustering critical versus non-critical crashes