1. Scientists’ warning to humanity on the freshwater biodiversity crisis
2. Barboza, T. (2021, May 5). Southern California warehouse boom a huge source of pollution. Regulators are fighting back. Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-05-05/air-quality-officials-target-warehouses-bid-to-curb-health-damaging-truck-pollution
3. A critical urban environmental pedagogy: Relevant urban environmental education for and by youth
4. Campbell, T., Lee, O., Murray, E. & Russell, J. (2021). Are there differences in how people are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States? If so, why are there differences, and what should we do about the disproportionate impact of COVID-19? NSTA. https://www.nsta.org/lesson-plan/are-there-differences-how-people-are-affected-covid-19-pandemic-united-states-if-so-why