Changes in latitude, changes in attitude: analysis of the effects of reverse culture shock – a study of students returning from youth expeditions


Allison Peter1,Davis-Berman Jennifer2,Berman Dene3


1. a Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences at The Moray House School of Education, The University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh , Scotland

2. b Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work at the University of Dayton , Dayton , OH , USA

3. c School of Professional Psychology, Wright State University , Dayton , OH , USA


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Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management,Geography, Planning and Development

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1. Reentry Shock and the Role of Communication in Psychological Health: A Study of Abrupt Reentry During the COVID-19 Pandemic;Journal of Intercultural Communication Research;2023-07-26

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