1. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), LEGOS, Toulouse, France
2. Mercator Océan, Ramonville St Agne, France
3. Met Office, Ocean Forecasting Research & Development, Exeter, UK
4. Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia
5. Fisheries and Oceans, St Johns, Canada
6. Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Ohtemachi, Tokyo, Japan
7. Puertos del Estado, Madrid, Spain
8. Navy Research Laboratory/Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, USA
9. Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
10. Environmental Modeling Center, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, College Park, Maryland, USA
11. Environment Canada, Montréal, Canada
12. Ocean Physics and Modeling Group, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
13. Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima, Rome, Italy
14. Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, USA
15. Portland State University, Portland, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Oregon, USA
16. Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Service, NOAA, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA