1. Davis, P. T., Lytle, R. J., Laine, E. F. Use of high-frequency electromagnetic waves for mapping an in-situ coal gasification burnfront. ln-Situ. 3(2), 95–119, 1979.
2. Balanis, C. A., Yoon, Y. K., Radcliff, R. D. Feasibility Study of Electromagnetic Instrumentation for ln-Situ Gasification Application, prepared for U.S. Dept. Energy under contract EY-76-S-05–5018, May 1-Dec. 31, 1977.
3. Lytle, R. J., Lager, D. L., Laine, E. F., Salisbury, J. D. Monitoring Fluid Flow by Using High-Freqneucy Electromagnetic Probing, Lawrence Livermore Lab. Rept. UCRL-51979, Jan. 5, 1976.
4. Herman, G. T. Principles of Reconstruction Algorithms, Tech. Rept. M1PG27, Dept. of Computer Sci., St. U. of New York at Buffalo, March. 1979.
5. Herman, G. T. Image Reconstruction From Projections. Academic Press, New York, 1980.