1. Abstracts, Fifth Annual DOE/Fossil Energy Conference on University Coal Research, Sponsored by U.S. DOE, Fossil Energy Program. University of Kentucky, Aug. 23–24, 1978.
2. Northrop, D. A. Instrumentation and Process Control Development for ln-Situ Coal Gasification. Fourth Quarterly Rep., 1975 (available from the National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22151).
3. Duba, A. G. The Electrical Conductivity of Coal and Coal Char. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Rep. UCRL-78648, Nov. 30, 1976.
4. Balanis, C. A., Rice, W. S., Smith, N. S. Microwave measurements of coal. Radio Sci., 1 1(4), 413–418, April 1976.
5. Balanis, C. A., Jeffrey, J. L., and Yoon, Y. K. Electrical properties of eastern bituminous coal as a function of frequency, polarization and direction of electromagnetic wave, and temperature of the sample. IEEE Trans. Geoscience Electron., GE-16, 316–322, Oct. 1978.