1. Bishop, S. R. The experimental investigation of formation damage due to the induced flocculation of clays within a sandstone pore structure by high salinity brine. SPE European Formation Damage Conference. The Hague, Netherlands. SPE paper 38156
2. Byrne, M. and Patey, I. Formation damage laboratory testing—A discussion of key parameters, pitfalls and potential. SPE European Formation Damage Conference. The Hague, Netherlands. SPE paper 82250
3. Byrne, M. T., Spark, I. S. C., Patey, I. T. M. and Twynam, A. J. A laboratory drilling mud overbalances formation damage study utilizing cryogenic SEM techniques. SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control. Lafayette, USA. SPE paper 58738
4. Francis, P. A., Eigner, M. R. P., Patey, I. T. M. and Spark, I. S. C. Visualization of drilling-induced formation damage mechanisms using reservoir conditions core flood testing. European Formation Damage Conference. The Hague, Netherlands. pp.101–115. SPE paper 30088