1. Michaud, S., Gibbesch, A., Thueer, T., Krebs, A., Lee, C., Despont, B., Schäfer, B. and Slade, R. Development of the ExoMars chassis and locomotion subsystem. 9th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence. Universal City, CA, USA: Robotics and Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS 2008).
2. Richter, L., Brucks, A., Kroemer, O., Lueckemeier, M., Scharringhausen, M. and Weiss, S. Development of the flexible wheels for the ESA ExoMars rover. 16th ISTVS International Conference. Torino. International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems.
3. L. Richter, N. Schmitz, and S.Weiss, and the MERAthena Science Team,Inferences of strength of soil deposits along MER rover traverses, European Planetary Science Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2006, p. 523.
4. Krenn, R., Gibbesch, A. and Hirzinger, G. Contact dynamics simulation of rover locomotion. 9th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence. Universal City, CA, USA: Robotics and Automation for Space (i-SAIRAS 2008).
5. Size-frequency distributions of rocks on Mars and Earth analog sites: Implications for future landed missions