The science of trust: future directions, research gaps, and implications for health and risk communication


Schiavo Renata1234,Eyal Gil5,Obregon Rafael6,Quinn Sandra C.7,Riess Helen89,Boston-Fisher Nikita1011


1. Editor-in-Chief

2. Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY, USA

3. Health Equity Initiative, New York, NY, USA

4. Strategies for Equity and Communication Impact (SECI)SM, New York, NY, USA

5. Department of Sociology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

6. UNICEF-Paraguay, Asunción, Paraguay

7. Department of Family Science and Maryland Center for Health Equity, School of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA

8. Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA

9. Empathetics, Inc., Boston, MA, USA

10. Senior Editorial Assistant

11. McGill University, Faculty of Management, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Informa UK Limited


Health Information Management,Communication

Reference21 articles.

1. The biology of trust: Integrating evidence from genetics, endocrinology, and functional brain imaging.

2. The science of trust: future directions, research gaps, and implications for health and risk communication

3. Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media, and Engagement in Global Health. 2021. About ‘The Science of Trust’ Initiative. [cited 2022 Aug]. Available from:

4. The ‘Science of Trust’: why we need a multi-faceted approach to inform, engage and empower communities during COVID-19 and beyond

5. Schiavo R. 2021. Challenging misinformation: exploring equity- and community-driven strategies. [Webinar Presentation]. Region 2 Public Health Training Center (PHTC). [cited 2021 Sept 7]. Available from:

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