1. F Zakaria,The Future of Freedom(New York, W W Norton & Company, 2003), 104.
2. W Gallie, “Essentially Contested Concepts“, in W Gallie,Philosophy and the Historical Understanding(London, Chatto & Windus, 1964), 157.
3. D Osborne and T Gaebler,Reinventing Government. How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector(New York, Plume/Penguin, 1992), 15.
4. R B Denhardt and J W Grubbs,Public Administration: An Action Orientation(Belmont, Wadsworth, 2003), 333.
5. Osborne and Gaebler,Reinventing Government, supra, n 4, 166. Cf R Baldwin, “Legislation and Rule-Making“, in P Cane and M Tushnet (eds),The Oxford Handbook of Legal StudiesOxford University Press, 2003), 735–740.