1. The remark was borrowed by Rodulf Glaber from Maximus the Confessor. See Carolyn Malone, “Saint-Bénigne in Dijon as Exemplum of Rodulfus Glaber's Metaphoric ‘White Mantle,’” inThe White Mantle of Churches, ed. Nigel Hiscock (Turnhout: Brepols, 2003)
2. The cleric's dress is the same as that of the Mosan enamel plaque of Henri of Blois now in the British Museum. See Neil Stratford,Catalogue of the Medieval Enamels in the British Museum, Vol. 2: Northern Romanesque Ename(London, 1993), nos. 1, 2
3. From Content to Form: Court Clothing in Mid-Twelfth-Century Northern French Sculpture