1. Transformative approaches to student voice: theoretical underpinnings, recalcitrant realities
2. Groundwater-Smith , S. ( 2006, October ). Millennials in museums: Consulting Australian adolescents when designing for learning . Invitational Address presented at the Museum Directors’ Forum, National Museum of History , Taipei , Taiwan .
3. Groundwater-Smith , S. & Kelly , L. ( 2003, September ). As we see it: Improving learning at the museum . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association , Edinburgh , Scotland .
4. Groundwater-Smith, S. and Kemmis, S. 2005.Knowledge building schools—Educational development for all (Companion Paper No. 4, Excellence and Innovation Report), 165–174. Sydney, Australia: NSW Department of Education and Training.
5. Foundations of Place: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Place-Conscious Education