1. About us, in https://www.babels.org/spip.php?article272, 15 June 2004, accessed 15 September 2022.
2. Babels Budget and Structure, in http://www.babels.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=59, 2 February 2004, no longer accessible [personal archive].
3. Babels Charter, in https://www.babels.org/spip.php?article1, 15 June 2004, accessed 15 September 2022.
4. Booth Planning, in https://www.babels.org/spip.php?article162, 7 March 2005, accessed 15 September 2022.
5. Brussels Meeting Archives: Workshop on Participation and Decision-Making, in http://www.babels.org/wiki/BrusselsReportParticipation, 30 July 2004, no longer accessible [personal archive].