1. The letter was printed around 1470, several years after Pius’s death. See Franz Babinger, “Pio II e l’Oriente maomettano,” inEnea Silvio Piccolomini Papa Pio II, ed. Domenico Maffei (Siena, 1968), p. 10. See also R. J. Mitchell,The Laurels and the Tiara(Garden City, NY, 1962), p. 155.
2. Franco Gaeta, “Alcune osservazioni sulla prima redazione della «lettera a Maometto»,” inEnea Silvio Piccolomini Papa Pio, p. 178.
3. James Hankins, “Renaissance Crusaders: Humanist Crusade Literature in the Age of Mehmed II,”Dumbarton Oaks Papers49 (1995), 128–30.
4. Southern,Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages(Cambridge, Mass., 1962), p. 102.
5. Babinger, “Pio II e l’Oriente maomettano,” p. 6.