Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report


von Schuckmann Karina,Le Traon Pierre-Yves,Smith Neville,Pascual Ananda,Brasseur Pierre,Fennel Katja,Djavidnia Samy,Aaboe Signe1,Fanjul Enrique Alvarez2,Autret Emmanuelle3,Axell Lars4,Aznar Roland2,Benincasa Mario5,Bentamy Abderahim3,Boberg Fredrik6,Bourdallé-Badie Romain7,Nardelli Bruno Buongiorno5,Brando Vittorio E.5,Bricaud Clément7,Breivik Lars-Anders8,Brewin Robert J.W.9,Capet Arthur10,Ceschin Adrien7,Ciliberti Stefania11,Cossarini Gianpiero12,de Alfonso Marta2,de Pascual Collar Alvaro2,de Kloe Jos13,Deshayes Julie14,Desportes Charles7,Drévillon Marie7,Drillet Yann7,Droghei Riccardo15,Dubois Clotilde16,Embury Owen17,Etienne Hélène18,Fratianni Claudia19,Lafuente Jesús García20,Sotillo Marcos Garcia2,Garric Gilles7,Gasparin Florent7,Gerin Riccardo12,Good Simon21,Gourrion Jérome22,Grégoire Marilaure10,Greiner Eric18,Guinehut Stéphanie18,Gutknecht Elodie7,Hernandez Fabrice23,Hernandez Olga7,Høyer Jacob6,Jackson Laura21,Jandt Simon24,Josey Simon25,Juza Mélanie26,Kennedy John21,Kokkini Zoi12,Korres Gerasimos27,Kõuts Mariliis28,Lagemaa Priidik28,Lavergne Thomas8,le Cann Bernard29,Legeais Jean-François18,Lemieux-Dudon Benedicte30,Levier Bruno7,Lien Vidar31,Maljutenko Ilja28,Manzano Fernando2,Marcos Marta32,Marinova Veselka33,Masina Simona34,Mauri Elena12,Mayer Michael35,Melet Angelique7,Mélin Frédéric36,Meyssignac Benoit37,Monier Maeva38,Müller Malte8,Mulet Sandrine18,Naranjo Cristina20,Notarstefano Giulio12,Paulmier Aurélien37,Gomez Begoña Pérez2,Gonzalez Irene Pérez2,Peneva Elisaveta39,Perruche Coralie7,Andrew Peterson K.21,Pinardi Nadia40,Pisano Andrea5,Pardo Silvia9,Poulain Pierre-Marie12,Raj Roshin P.41,Raudsepp Urmas28,Ravdas Michaelis27,Reid Rebecca21,Rio Marie-Hélène18,Salon Stefano12,Samuelsen Annette41,Sammartino Michela5,Sammartino Simone42,Sandø Anne Britt31,Santoleri Rosalia5,Sathyendranath Shubha9,She Jun6,Simoncelli Simona19,Solidoro Cosimo12,Stoffelen Ad13,Storto Andrea30,Szerkely Tanguy22,Tamm Susanne24,Tietsche Steffen35,Tinker Jonathan21,Tintore Joaquín26,Trindade Ana43,van Zanten Daphne44,Vandenbulcke Luc45,Verhoef Anton13,Verbrugge Nathalie18,Viktorsson Lena46,von Schuckmann Karina7,Wakelin Sarah L.47,Zacharioudaki Anna48,Zuo Hao35


1. Norwegian Meteorological Institute , Tromso, Norway

2. Puertos del Estado , Madrid, Spain

3. IFREMER , Plouzané, France

4. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute , Norrkoping, Sweden

5. Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the Italian National Research Council , Rome, Italy

6. Danish Meteorological Institute , Copenhagen, Denmark

7. Mercator Ocean International , Ramonville St.-Agne, France

8. Norwegian Meteorological Institute , Oslo, Norway

9. Plymouth Marine Laboratory , Plymouth, United Kingdom

10. University of Liège , Liège, Belgium

11. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change , Lecce, Italy

12. National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics , Trieste, Italy

13. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute , de Bilt, Netherlands

14. Sorbonne University UPMC-CNRS-IRD-MNHN , Paris, France

15. Italian National Research Council , Rome, Italy

16. Méteo France / Mercator Océan International , Ramonville St.-Agne, France

17. University of Reading , Reading, United Kingdom

18. Collecte Localisation Satellites , Ramonville St.-Agne, France

19. National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology , Bologna, Italy

20. University of Malaga , Malaga, Spain

21. Met Office , Exeter, United Kingdom

22. Ocean-Scope , Plouzané, France

23. IRD/LEGOS Mercator Ocean International , Ramonville St.-Agne, France

24. Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency , Hambourg, Germany

25. National Oceanography Centre , Southampton, United Kingdom

26. Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB) , Palma de Mallorca, Spain

27. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research , Athens, Greece

28. Tallinn University of Technology , Tallinn, Estonia

29. CNRS – University of Brest , Brest, France

30. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change , Bologna, Italy

31. Institute of Marine Research , Bergen, Norway

32. University of the Balearic Islands / Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies , Palma de Mallorca, Spain

33. Institute of Oceanology - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , Varna, Bulgaria

34. Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change / National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology , Bologna, Italy

35. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts , Exeter, United Kingdom

36. European Commission , Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy

37. Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS) , Toulouse, France

38. CELAD / Mercator Ocean International , Ramonville St.-Agne, France

39. University of Sofia , Sofia, Bulgaria

40. University of Bologna , Bologna, Italy

41. National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center , Bergen, Norway

42. Univeristy of Malaga , Malaga, Spain

43. Mediterranean Center for Marine and Environmental Research , Barcelona, Spain

44. Fontys University of Applied Sciences , Eindhoven, Netherlands

45. University of Liége , Liége, Belgium

46. Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute , Västra Frölunda, Sweden

47. National Oceanography Centre , Liverpool, United Kingdom

48. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research , Heraklion, Greece


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Reference606 articles.

1. CMEMS . 2014. Technical annex to the delegation agreement with Mercator Ocean for the implementation of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). .

2. CMEMS . 2016. High level service evolution strategy, a document prepared by Mercator Ocean with the support of the CMEMS STAC.

3. Recent progress in performance evaluations and near real-time assessment of operational ocean products

4. Climate Change 2013 - The Physical Science Basis

5. Global Carbon Budget 2016







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