1. Public Library of New South Wales (PLNSW) Trustees’ Minute Books, 21 October 1935, (State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) archives).
2. PLNSWAnnual Report, 1936: p. 4; Ifould to Keppel, 12 November 1935; Ifould, Radio interview with Ken Sullivan, [1936?], Mitchell Library MLMSS 1878.
3. Ifould, ‘Library Development in New South Wales,’ InProceedings: Second Annual Meeting and Conference heldatMelbourne, June 10th-12th, 1939, by the Australian Institute of Librarians, Adelaide: Australian Institute of Librarians, 1940, p. 62; D. H. Drummond,Report of inquiries into various aspects of education during a visit to the United Kingdom, Europe, the United States of America, and Canada, Sydney: Government Printer, 1937; Norman Horrocks, ‘The Carnegie Corporation of New York and its impact on library development in Australia,’ Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1971, p. 319.