Partner Reading and Writing: Peer Social Dialogue and the Zone of Proximal Development


Dixon-Krauss Lisbeth A.1


1. University of West Florida


This classroom action research study investigated Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development using peer social dialogue integrated with teacher support to develop children's reading, writing, and abstract thinking in story reflection and sense of audience. Twenty-four first and second graders were paired for a 6-week partner reading and writing activity to provide peer social dialogue through partner storybook reading, discussion, and dialogue journal writing. A class mini-lesson on verbal story reflection added teacher support to the partner instructional activity. Data sources included student evaluations of their own classroom literacy performance and preferences, observational notes collected during the partner sessions, and students' dialogue journal entries. Students showed the most improvement in word recognition, minimal improvement in fluency, accurate evaluations of their own reading progress, and felt more positive about reading aloud. Students' journal entry writing progressed from copying their partners' statements to printed conversations about their stories. Teacher support influenced students' written dialogue and the strategies they used to share text meaning in verbal dialogue.


SAGE Publications

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