1. Beziehung zwischen negativem Druck und osmotischem Druck
2. Hulett's Enhanced Solvent Tension. An Alternative to Lewis' Diminished Solvent Activity
3. The internal tension between molecules of each species of thejspecies in a solution is not analogous to the tension in each strand ofjstrands of wire in a cable subjected to a forceFapplied along the axis of the cable and in a direction to cause tension in the cable. Each strand of the cable does not oppose the total forceFeven if each strand were of differing materials with differing elastic moduliYiand differing cross sectionsai.Assuming no coupling between strands, i.e. no friction between strands, a forcefiwill be applied to strandi.The strain,dl/l, will be the same for all strands in the cable so that the stress τiin each strand will differ, depending onYi, such thatand such that. Combining these equations,F= ∑ajYj(dl/l)= ∑ajτj. If alljstrands had the sameaandY, thenF=jaτtiand the tension in each strand would be τi=F/ja.In this case the tension in the cable would be the same as the tension in each strand since the cross section of the cableA=ja.Clearly, molecular species in a solution differ from strands in a cable. The molecules are all coupled so that each species must oppose the entire thermal pressure exerted at the surface of the solution and the strain for each species differs from that of all other species in the solution
4. Structure of Water and Hydrophobic Bonding in Proteins. I. A Model for the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Water
5. Experiments on Osmosis with Magnetic Fluid