1. Beziehung zwischen negativem Druck und osmotischem Druck
3. Consider that the pressure applied to pure solvent ispand that the chemical potentials of the solution solvent and pure solvent are equalized by a pressurep+ Π′1applied to the solution, so that atT. Next, consider that the pressure applied to the same solution ispand that a pressurep- Π1is applied to the pure solvent to equate the chemical potentials of the solution solvent and pure solvent, so that at. It might perhaps be thought, at first sight, that Π′1= Π1only if the solution were ideal. Suppose that a pressure Π′1is added to both pressures in Eq. (ii), so that. Then according to Eq. (i), Π′1– Π1must equal zero, that is Π′1= Π1for every solution. The osmotic pressure of the solvent in any solution is always Π1, the difference in pressures applied to the solution and pure solvent for which the chemical potentials of solution solvent and pure solvent are equal
4. Note that the partial molar volume of solvent in a binary solution is define∂V/∂1|T, p, n2. AlthoughV1is defined as the rate of change of solution volume with respect to changing the molar amount of solvent at constantT, pandn2, nevertheless,V1of any solvent is also a function ofT, pandn2and this dependence has been indicated throughout the text asV1(T, p, x,1). Likewise, the partial molar volume of the solute is definedV2= ∂V/∂n2|T, p, n1and the volume of the solution isV=n1V1+n2V2. Note further that adding solute to solvent usually increases the volume of the solution. However, occasionally, the solution volume may decrease with addition of a small amount of solute to solvent. For example, while forming a dilute aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate,V2< 0 andn2V2is negative. Nevertheless, after the solute is dissolved, the partial molar volume of the water would be increased precisely as if expanded by the solute. According to Eq. (5),V1(T, p, x1) must equalV10(T, p-V1). For any pure solvent,V10(T, p-V1) is always greater thanV10(T, p); therefore,V1(T, p, x1) >V10(T, p) at the sameTandp.