1. D MorganIssues in Law and Medical Ethics(Cavendish Publishing London 2001) 219.
2. W BlackstoneCommentaries on the Laws of England(1st edn 1765, reprinted University of Chicago Press Chicago 1979) vol 1. Naffine states that the division goes back further to Roman times: N Naffine ‘When Does the Legal Person Die? Jeremy Bentham and the Auto-Icon' (2000) 25 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 79, 80.
3. J Nosworthy ‘The Koko Dilemma: A Challenge to Legal Personality’ (1998) 2 Southern Cross Law Review 1; C Stone ‘Should Trees Have Standing? Towards Legal Rights for Natural Objects' (1972) 45 Southern California Law Review 450.
4. R v Hutty [1953] VLR 338, 339. See alsoR v Brain(1834) 6 C & P 349, 172 ER 1272 (breathing not essential if child parted from mother with functioning organs).