1. Enhanced oxidation on ion-implanted silicon
2. Thermal Oxidation of Silicon after Ion Implantation
3. Mezey, G., Nagy, T., Gyulai, J., Kotai, E., Manuaba, A., Lohner, T. and Mayer, J. W. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Ion Implantation Semicond. Edited by: Chernow, F., Borders, J. A. and Brice, D. K. pp.49New York-London: Plenum Press.
4. Rutherford Backscattering Analysis of Ion‐Implanted, Thermally Oxidized Silicon
5. Nomura, K., Hirose, Y., Akasaka, Y., Horie, K. and Kawazu, S. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Ion Implantation Semicond. Edited by: Namba, S. pp.681New York-London: Plenum Press.