1. Atsalis , Linda Ann . 1987 . A comparison of curricula requirements in music for student majoring in elementary education at selected colleges and universities in southwestern Ohio . Doctoral diss., The Ohio State Univ., Abstract inDissertation Abstracts International. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database, publ. nr. ATT8717602, DAI-A48/07 (Jan. 1988): 1688 .
2. Barnes , Sebronette . 1987 . The effect of class voice instruction and differential song material on vocal performance, vocal knowledge, and attitude of elementary education majors . Doctoral diss., The Ohio State Univ., Abstract inDissertation Abstracts InternationalDAI-B 48/9: 2270 .
3. Music and Education in the Elementary Music Methods Class
4. Learning Journals, Self-Reflection, and University Students' Changing Perceptions