Community sport as a factor of vertical social mobility of vulnerable groups: the example of taekwondo in Croatia


Pavlović Vinogradac Valentina12,Bursać Danijel34,Vinogradac Marijan56


1. City Office for Local Self-Administration, Civil Protection and Safety, Zagreb, Croatia

2. Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

3. University Hospital Merkur, Zagreb, Croatia

4. University North, Varazdin, Croatia

5. Special Hospital Primamed, Zagreb, Croatia

6. Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia


Informa UK Limited


Sociology and Political Science,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Reference99 articles.

1. Regional Differences in Vertical Mobility in a High-Status Occupation

2. Effects of Functional Fitness Enhancement through Taekwondo Training on Physical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Dementia in Elderly Women with Depression

3. Effects of Taekwondo Training on Body Composition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

4. Dental attitudes and behavior related to vertical social mobility by marriage

5. Boyda H. N. Raber S. Bates A. T. Agha A. Tse L. Honer W. G. & Barr A. M. (2017). Modifying medical trainees’ perspectives on vulnerable populations through engagement in community-based team sports: Fostering the Health Advocate role . Department of Anaesthesiology Pharmacology & Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada.







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