1. a Graduate Institute of Science Education , National Changhua University of Education , Changhua, Taiwan
2. b Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education , National Taiwan University of Science and Technology , Taipei, Taiwan
3. c Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology , National Central University , Jhongli City, Taiwan
4. d Graduate Institute of Learning & Instruction and Center for Teacher Education , National Central University , Jhongli, Taiwan
5. e Department of Physics , National Taiwan Normal University , Taipei, Taiwan
6. f Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering , National Dong Hwa University , Hualien, Taiwan
7. g Graduate Institute of Engineering , National Taiwan University of Science and Technology , Taipei, Taiwan
8. h Department of Earth Sciences , National Taiwan Normal University , Taipei, Taiwan
9. i Science Education Center & Graduate Institute of Science Education , National Taiwan Normal University , Taipei, Taiwan