1. Empowering Metacognition Through Dance Writing and Collaborative Dance Making
2. Dooling-Cain, Shannon. 2022. “Visions for the Future of Dance Education, Part 1.” National Dance Education Organization: Behind the Curtain Blog. https://www.ndeo.org/Learn/Behind-the-Curtain-Blog/ArticleID/187/Visions-for-the-Future-of-Dance-Education-Part-1.
3. Jotkoff, Eric. February 2, 2022. “NEA Survey: Massive Staff Shortages in Schools Leading to Educator Burnout; Alarming Number of Educators Indicating They Plan to Leave Profession.” National Education Association. https://www.nea.org/about-nea/media-center/press-releases/nea-survey-massive-staff-shortages-schools-leading-educator.
4. Solidarities of the Marginalized as Anti-racist Dance Pedagogy: Reflections on Collaborative Advocacy from Dance Educators with Connective Marginalities