1. P. E. Hansen and B. A. Morgan, “The Peptides,” Vol. 6, and by S. Udenfriend and J. Meienhofer, Academic Press Inc., Orlando, Florida, 1984, pp. 269–321.
2. S. Sakakibara, “Chemistry and Biochemistry of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins,” ed. by B. Weinstein, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1971, p. 51.
3. M. Yoshikawa, F. Tani and H. Chiba, “Peptide Chemistry 1987,” ed. by T. Shiba and S. Sakakibara, Protein Research Foundation, Osaka, 1988, pp. 473–476.
4. A. Goldstein, “The Peptides,” Vol. 6, éd. by S. Udenfriend and J. Meienhofer, Academic Press Inc., Orlando, Florida, 1984, pp. 95–145.