1. A Journal Usage Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Serials Trends and Implications
2. Brooks, D. C.
Gierdowski, D. C. (2021, April 5). Student experiences with technology in the pandemic . https://library.educause.edu/resources/2021/4/student-experiences-with-technology-in-the-pandemic
3. COUNTER (2021a). 4.2 database reports. In COUNTER code of practice release 5.02. https://cop5.projectcounter.org/en/5.0.2/04-reports/02-database-reports.html
4. COUNTER (2021b). 4.3 title reports. In COUNTER code of practice release 5.02. https://cop5.projectcounter.org/en/5.0.2/04-reports/03-title-reports.html
5. Learning to Think Like a Patron: Improving User Experience, E-Resources Management, and Departmental Outcomes Beyond COVID-19