1. Hans Binnendijk, "A Trans-Atlantic Division of Labor Could Undermine NATO," International Herald Tribune, April 7, 2001.
2. Some confusion may exist between the ESDI and ESDP, as a report correctly states. "The first originated in the decisions taken by the Atlantic Alliance in Berlin (1996), aimed at giving the European members of NATO the possibility of using the resources and capabilities of the Atlantic Alliance or crisis management. The second is a political project that the European Union has been trying to achieve. That said, these two different approaches share the same goal, i.e. to enable Europe to take on responsibilities on the international stage," See The Development Of A Common European Security And Defense Policy (CESDP) By the European Union And Its Possible Consequences For Switzerland, (Geneva Centre For Security Policy, September 15, 2001), p. 5.
3. Ibid., p. 10.
4. See Griephan Briefe, Vol. 36, No. 50, Bonn, December 11, 2000, p. 1.
5. A point which is also rightly made in Redefining German Security: Prospects For Bundeswehr Reform, p. 26.