1. Fersman Mineralogical Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow, 119071 Russia
2. Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic v.v.i, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic
3. Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37, Brno, Czech Republic
4. Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Chimica, Via C. Golgi 19, I-20133 Milano, Italy
5. Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432 Russia
The new sulfate mineral ferroefremovite, ideally (NH4)2Fe2+2(SO4)3, was discovered at the “Bocca Grande” fumarole, Solfatara di Pozzuoli, Flegrean Volcanic Complex, Naples Province, Campania, Italy. Associated minerals are adranosite, adranosite-(Fe), godovikovite, huizingite-(Al), mascagnite, and opal. Ferroefremovite forms cubic crystals up to 0.1 mm across. The new mineral is colorless and has a vitreous luster and white streak. It is brittle and has an uneven fracture. No cleavage or parting are observed. Mohs hardness is 2. Dmeas. = 2.69(1) g/cm3. Dcalc. = 2.700 g/cm3. Optically, ferroefremovite is isotropic, n = 1.574(3) (λ = 589 nm). It is non-pleochroic. The presence of the NH4+ cation is confirmed by the Raman spectrum. The chemical composition of ferroefremovite is (wt.%; electron microprobe, N determined by CNH analysis) (NH4)2O 11.51, Na2O 0.11, K2O 1.35, MgO 8.38, MnO 0.98, FeO 18.94, SO3 57.08, total 98.35. The empirical formula based on 12 O apfu is [(NH4)1.85K0.12Na0.01]Σ1.98(Fe2+1.11Mg0.87Mn0.06)Σ2.04S2.99O12. Ferroefremovite is cubic, space group P213, with a = 10.0484(9) Å, V = 1014.59(16) Å3, and Z = 4. The strongest lines of the powder X-ray diffraction pattern [d, Å (I, %) (hkl)] are 5.80 (40) (111), 4.50 (20) (201, 210), 4.11 (30) (211), 3.17 (100) (310, 301), 3.02 (20) (311), 2.68 (50) (312, 321), 1.86 (18) (502, 432), 1.62 (18) (523, 532, 611).
Mineralogical Association of Canada
Geochemistry and Petrology