Symplectic resolutions of quiver varieties


Bellamy Gwyn,Schedler Travis


AbstractIn this article, we consider Nakajima quiver varieties from the point of view of symplectic algebraic geometry. We prove that they are all symplectic singularities in the sense of Beauville and completely classify which admit symplectic resolutions. Moreover we show that the smooth locus coincides with the locus of canonically $$\theta $$ θ -polystable points, generalizing a result of Le Bruyn; we study their étale local structure and find their symplectic leaves. An interesting consequence of our results is that not all symplectic resolutions of quiver varieties appear to come from variation of GIT.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy,General Mathematics

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2. Namikawa-Weyl groups of affinizations of smooth Nakajima quiver varieties;Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society;2023-07-27

3. Real and symmetric matrices;Duke Mathematical Journal;2023-06-15

4. Symplectic resolutions of character varieties;Geometry & Topology;2023-05-01

5. A new family of isolated symplectic singularities with trivial local fundamental group;Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society;2023-01-26







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