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2. A.A. Rudnitskii and R.S. Polyakova, “The Palladium-Ruthenium System,”Russ. J. Inorganic Chem., 4(6), 631 -636 (1959). (EquiDiagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; #)
3. A.S. Darling and J.M. Yorke, “The Ruthenium-Palladium System,”Platinum Met. Rev., 4(3), 104–110, (1960). (Equi Diagram. Crys Structure; Experimental; #)
4. O.A. Novikova, “Palladium-Ruthenium Alloys,” TR: Ins.Met. in A.A.Baikova,Akad.Nauk SSSR, (11), 155-163 (1962). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
5. W. Obrowski and G. Zwingmann, “Structure of Palladium-Ruthenium System and Properties of Palladium-Rich Alloys,”Z. Metallkd., 33(7),453–455 (1962). (Equi Diagram; Crys Structure; Experimental;#)